Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sleeping on the Floor

Sleeping near the night light
It has been a month since Tyler got his race car bed and the transition has gone pretty well. However, in the beginning Tyler kept getting out of bed to turn on his bedside lamp and the overhead light despite the fact we had given him a handheld glow worm/alien-like blob of a night light to sleep with in bed. Nevermind the fact that the dark never seemed to bother him when he slept in the crib. We did let him pick out another night light that is always on and so Tyler picked out the Lightning McQueen light pictured above. Early last week when I went to get Tyler up for daycare I found him sleeping on the floor next to his night light. I do have it on good authority that Santa is bringing a lava lamp for next to Tyler's bed to help with the light issue.

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