Thursday, December 29, 2011

Daphne Update

Daphne is still doing well, but will probably need to spend 3 to 5 more days in the NICU. Although she ate really well her first day, she has been having trouble with her feedings since then. She tends to drink too fast and forgets to come up for air. My dad said, "She takes after her PawPaw!" (For those of you who don't know my dad, he is notorious for eating way too fast.) Then today Daphne had a sleep apnea episode and so they need to keep observing her to make sure this doesn't happen. Back when Tyler was a NICU baby he had sleep apnea too.

I am doing pretty well today, but the last 2 days were a little rough. It didn't help that I gave birth in the middle of the night and came off the magnesium sulfate in the middle of the night. That magnesium sulfate is not pleasant. They took me off the IV for that 24 hours after delivering. I was pretty flush and itchy while I was on it and then got the shivers when I came off. They took my catheter out at the same time and my bladder seemed to be working fine. However, after sleeping about an hour I woke up in excruciating pain. I felt like I was going to explode and the nurses ended up needing to put another catheter in because my bladder was too tired to work. After they drained 800 mL (27 oz!) of urine out of my bladder I felt much better. My blood pressure also went back up after the magnesium sulfate wore off and so now I am on medication for that but they think it should return back to normal in the next week or two. Last night after taking an Ambien I got 7 straight hours of sleep and have been feeling great today and spending lots of time in the NICU cuddling with Daphne. My nurse is bringing me an Ambien now and then I am off to dreamland.


  1. Oh, sweet little Daphne! I love the pictures. Renee, I'm sorry you are having a rough go of it. Keep getting better so you can both go home soon!

  2. Wow! You are such a trooper Renee! Hang in there....home is coming soon! --JLH
