Monday, December 19, 2011

Holding Steady

Good news: the baby is still doing great and my preeclampsia numbers are holding steady at mild. There was a spike in my uric acid numbers, which isn't too concerning but is another sign of the preeclampsia. The doctors are on the fence about whether I should stay in the hospital on bedrest or continue bedrest at home because of my pregnancy history. They want Michael and I to weigh the pros and cons over the next 24 hours and make a decision tomorrow. The more I think about it the harder it is to decide. While I miss being at home with my boys, it's much easier for the doctors and nurses to monitor me at the hospital. The doctors are hoping I can hold out giving birth until 37 weeks, which would be full term and is 3 weeks from Wednesday (January 11).

1 comment:

  1. You guys are amazingly resilient through all of this! Hang in there--can't wait to meet "ziggy"--but not too soon please :).
