Sunday, December 25, 2011

34 Weeks + 4 Days: Home on Christmas

The doctors released me from the hospital this morning. My blood pressure mellowed out yesterday and this morning and I even had 1 or 2 readings that were "normal". The lab results of my 24-hour urine test came back yesterday afternoon and showed that the protein in my urine had reduced enough that I didn't even meet the preeclampsia threshold anymore. So now the doctors think I just have pregnancy hypertension, which is still a concern since by blood pressure has been all over the board. My blood pressure has been slightly up since I got home but still not high enough to be hospitalized. Michael thinks it stresses me out to be home but not be allowed to get up. I have to admit that is hard since I am restless by nature. But I am relaxing and trying not to think about it!

Michael and Tyler brought in dinner last night for a family Christmas Eve dinner in my hospital room. And this morning I watched Tyler open his Christmas gifts via Skype, which was nice. Michael had planned to bring the stockings into the hospital, but we got to go through them together at home this afternoon. It's nice to be home with my boys!

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