Thursday, December 22, 2011

34 Weeks + 1 Day

Bed rest is going well at home. When Michael brought Tyler home from daycare on Tuesday, Tyler practically bounced off the walls with excitement when he saw me on the couch. My little buddy likes to sit next to me on the couch and watch TV or play on the iPad or have me read to him. Tyler also likes to pile stuffed animals and blankets on me on the couch. I love that he likes to share. Tyler has also been wanting to hear about how he was once a baby in my belly. It's hard to believe he used to fit in there!

My blood pressure is still high, but has stayed under the threshold for needing medication. I go back in to see the doctor tomorrow and then again on Tuesday, which is when they will re-test my preeclampsia numbers. Luckily Michael already had a bunch of time off for the holidays. Next week he only works 3 days and so he is going to work from home while Tyler is in daycare. Nurse Michael is taking great care of me and Tyler!

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