Saturday, December 24, 2011

34 Weeks + 3 Days

My blood pressure is still high but holding stable below the threshold to take action. I didn't sleep very well last night with the blood pressure cuff going off every hour and the continuous baby heart rate monitoring. Now that I'm stable they are only going to take my vitals every 4 hours and monitor Ziggy's heart rate 3 times a day. The doctor on-call this weekend thinks they will probably need to deliver the baby within the next few days. They are hoping my blood pressure stays stable until 35 weeks (Wednesday). Babies born before 35 weeks automatically go to the NICU for monitoring. If I make it to 35 weeks there is a good chance Ziggy can skip the NICU and come home with us.

Crazy fact: I have lost 10 pounds of swelling in the past week since I have been on bed rest!!!!

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