Friday, December 30, 2011

I'm Going Home!

Michael is on his way to pick me up from the hospital right now. Yay! We're all excited I'm coming home, particularly Tyler. Poor Tyler is probably so confused since I've technically been in the hospital 3 times over the last 2 weeks. Apparently he slept with Daddy on my side of the bed last night and has told me I'm not getting my spot back! I got another good night sleep last night and am feeling really good.

Daphne is going on more than one day without any sleep apnea. She is getting a little better at not eating so fast and I am getting better at feeding her and helping her with her pacing. Daphne is still just getting bottles because my milk hasn't come in yet (other than a few drops of colustrum here and there), which is typical when you deliver pre-term. Michael and I are enjoying all the cuddle time we can get with Daphne in the NICU. She is just so precious!

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