Saturday, December 10, 2011

Linus Moment

Tyler has been attached to his blankets for a while now. He mostly sleeps with them and plays with them in the house. Sometimes he will take a blanket in the car and on rare occasions he has taken one with him to daycare. We were lucky for a long time because of all Tyler's many blankets there were 3 that he liked and we could rotate a clean one in every few days. Then a few months ago Tyler decided he needs to sleep with 2 blankets. And now he is fond of 2 blankets in particular. Yesterday morning while Tyler was playing I put his 2 favorite blankets in the washing machine with the rest of Tyler's laundry. About half an hour later Tyler was looking for his blankets and he had a total meltdown when I told him the blankets were in the wash. He threw himself on the floor and exploded into tears. Later after Tyler calmed down he excitedly helped me put all the laundry in the dryer so that his blankets could get dry. Of course he seemed to forget about this by bedtime because I had already put 2 different blankets in his bed to see if he would use them and sure enough he did.

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