Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Daphne Belia Hurtado

Meet our newest family member:
  • Daphne Belia Hurtado
  • (Belia was Michael's grandmother's name)
  • Arrived at 12:34 am Tuesday, December 27
  • 5 lb, 11 oz
  • 17" long
  • Gestational age: 34 weeks + 6 days

Don't let all the cords scare you! Everything
attached to Daphne is for monitoring only.

Kangaroo care at approximately 3:30 am

Yesterday evening my blood pressure increased and the doctors decided it was time to deliver for the safety of me and Daphne. The only cure for preeclampsia is to deliver. Since my cervix was nowhere close to being dilated we opted for a c-section since inducing would not have been very effective.

The c-section went well. Michael watched over the curtain as they extracted Daphne from my belly. After they checked her vital signs they let her lay on my chest for about 5 minutes. It was absolutely divine snuggling and checking out my precious newborn! Daphne cried when they took her off my chest and took her to the NICU.

Since Daphne was born prior to 35 weeks, she automatically had to go to the NICU for monitoring. The good news is that she is doing great! Her birth weight was high for her gestational age, she is breathing on her own, and she is accepting bottle feedings plus the milk I am pumping. The doctors are going to assess her tomorrow and may release her from the NICU and let her hang out with me in my post-partum room.

As for me, I am doing pretty well. My blood pressure has returned to my normal, which is at the lower end of the normal range. Because of the preeclampsia I am on a magnesium sulfate IV that I need to take until 24 hours after delivery. The magnesium makes me flush and I have vomited several times today. Since the magnesium can also cause dizziness I am only allowed to visit Daphne in the NICU for 10 minutes every 4 hours or so. Needless to say, I am looking forward to coming off the magnesium and spending much more time with Daphne!

Michael and I feel truly blessed with the safe arrival of our daughter! Big brother Tyler hasn't gotten to meet her yet and since he has a cold won't be allowed into the NICU. Hopefully he will get to meet Daphne in another day or two.

I should be released from the hospital on Friday and hopefully Daphne too!


  1. Congratulations! I'm sorry that I hung up before I heard the good news. She is just beautiful and I love her name!

  2. Congratulations!!! She is gorgeous! We are so thrilled and can't wait to meet her!! Hope you feel better soon!
    Love, Tia Ludy and Susan

  3. Congrats to you guys! She is a cutie and I hope you feel well! Frieda and family

  4. Awww, she is so pretty!! Glad everything turned out ok, and you are both healthy!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!
