Monday, August 17, 2009

Under the Weather

It was bound to happen eventually... Tyler has his first cold. It seems pretty mild so far. Tyler's first symptoms showed up on Saturday: coughing, sneezing, and snot (just clear, none of that nasty yellow or green stuff). He mostly seems agitated in the evening and is super fussy from about 6 pm on. Once he gets fussy about the only thing we can do is hold him and try to comfort him. He is thankfully sleeping through the night. We inclined his mattress with a pillow underneath and have been running a humidifier, which both seem to help. He still has symptoms today and I am hoping he is considered well enough for his first day of daycare tomorrow. Of course I already feel like I am coming down with a cold. I'm on day 2 of a sore throat and I am hoping it goes away and doesn't turn into a full-blown cold.

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