Monday, August 31, 2009

Toe-Grabbing Fun

Today was the first day I have seen Tyler reach down and grab his toes! I love it when his toys (hands, feet) are built-in and portable. Later today I taught him the hands-shoulders-knees-and-toes song and he really liked it when I pointed to all his different body parts.

I also noticed during tummy time today that Tyler looks like he is thinking about crawling. He tried moving his knees closer to his body and pushed his little tush up in the air but couldn't figure out how to actually move forward. He's not quite sure what to do with his arms even though I demonstrated how to crawl. It must be hard trying to figure out how to make all your muscles and body parts work together!


  1. Did you tell him that Daddy has fond memories of that song too?

  2. We'll have to teach him the Howl at the Moon version when he is much, much older!
