Sunday, August 30, 2009

Beavers Baseball

Tyler attended his first baseball game today at PGE Park. (FYI for non-locals: Portland has a AAA baseball team affiliated with the San Diego Padres.) Tyler did really well during the game and for the most part was pretty content sitting on one of our laps.

Tyler did not munch on this moose, who is much, much larger
than Mortimer! I am not sure why a moose was roaming around
a Beavers game. Lucky the Beaver was at the game but we did
not have any photo ops with him.
Our Lil' Beaver Believer. I forgot to bring Tyler's baseball cap,
but I guess that would have just been one more thing to keep track of.
My friend Teresa and I took Viola and Tyler to
the infant/toddler suite for a while so they could
play. There was a nice play area with toys, books,
crayons, etc. for kids to blow off steam during
the game. Viola was very sweet and gave
Tyler a few kisses on the top of his head.
Jack is at a great age (almost 5) for baseball games. It probably
doesn't hurt that he really likes baseball and even got Lucky the
Beaver to autograph a baseball. Not only did Jack do really well
at paying attention to the game he was such a little ham
dancing to the intermittent music played.
Tyler even managed to nap for 30 minutes on my lap.
A few times his eyes fluttered open when the
crowd got loud but then he went back to sleep.
All in all a great way to spend a summer afternoon!
Click here for family photo taken by the
Capturing Memories photographer at PGE Park.

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