Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day Care Trial Run

This is my last week of maternity leave and so today we did a day care trial run. Our day care suggests bringing your baby in for a half to full day the week before they start day care partly to get the baby used to the idea and partly so that mom isn't a total basket case on her first day back at work. It definitely gave us a good idea of what it will take to get us out the door in a timely manner. Tyler did as well as can be expected. Michael and I were saying our goodbyes this morning as Ms. Nicole held him and Tyler gave us the biggest pout ever and then let out a loud wail. He knew something was up. I wish I had a picture of that pouty face because even though it was heartbreaking it was also so darn cute. Ms. Nicole calmed him down and so Tyler wasn't actually crying when we left. That helped with the guilt a little bit! Tyler did go on a semi hunger strike while at day care today. During the 2 feedings he was there he only drank half his normal size bottle. He even managed to take a few short naps there. The teachers said Tyler mostly wanted to cuddle all day and that he did like watching the other babies. Although he would not give me a smile, Tyler did cling to me when I picked him up at 2 pm. Once we got home he sucked down a full bottle and then took a nap. Tyler was so worn out that he even went to bed about an hour early (6:30!) this evening. I think once he adjusts Tyler will enjoy going to day care and socializing with the other babies. He will only be at day care 3 days a week so it should be a good break from all the quality and non-quality (errands, chores, etc.) he spends with me on the weekdays.

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