Saturday, August 15, 2009

Friday at the Coast

I had to take a few pre-trip photos before Tyler
spat up or drooled on his outfit.
While we often get Tyler to bear weight on his
legs while holding him under the arms, I was
amazed how long Tyler managed to stand after
Michael leaned him against the corner of the sofa.
Lincoln City: Siletz Bay on the left side of the photo,
Pacific Ocean on the right side of the photo
Tyler is still too young to use sand toys (well, he can grip but any toys would
have just gone in his mouth) so we kept him off the sand. Tyler can now say
he has been to the D River (not pictured), which is the world's shortest river
at 440 feet. It connects Devils Lake to the Pacific Ocean.
(This piece of trivia included for my Dad's benefit.)
At the edge of the 240-ft suspension bridge over Drift Creek.
View of Drift Creek Falls (approx. 75 ft tall) from the suspension bridge.
View from the bottom of Drift Creek Falls.
I carried Tyler the first half of the hike since it was mostly
downhill and then Michael carried him back uphill. We have
decided that the most challenging part of carrying Tyler in
the front carrier (apart from the back strain!) is that Tyler
 likes to extend his legs and that in turn makes it hard to
take larger steps.

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