Monday, August 17, 2009

Tummy Time and Other Movement

The video is just a short clip of tummy time and it does include a live action smile. ; ) Tyler rolled over a few times at the beginning of tummy time and of course I didn't have the camera ready. That may be a shock to some of you (Dad!), but I don't have the camera attached to me permanently. While I don't think crawling is in the works for a while yet, Tyler did scoot backwards on his back a few times earlier. He arched his back and pushed with his legs and after a few pushes managed to move backwards about 2 feet. I guess we better start baby-proofing the house!

1 comment:

  1. Renee,

    The modern Mom should have a web cam taped to her forehead and be able to activate it by voice command. That is why you are married to an internet techie! Have Michael help you get up to speed!

