Thursday, August 13, 2009

At Play

Tyler laughing at me making funny faces. It takes many
shots to capture a non-blurry smile on camera! The
poor kid is probably already sick of me with the camera.

Tyler mesmerized by the lights on the bouncer toy bar while also trying to get
a good hold of his shirt so he can stick it in his mouth. This is definitely the
downside to putting him in real shirts instead of onesies. Well- on the upside
 it keeps him entertained.

Tyler excited by baby faces (happy ones, see below) during tummy time.
We checked this out from the library today after Book Babies.
Tyler is really fascinated by other babies.

See- they really are happy faces. I wouldn't dare show
him cranky baby faces during tummy time!
Tyler very pleased with himself after rolling over from his tummy to his back.
I am still having no luck capturing this on video.
Tyler grabbing my hair. This is the first time he has grabbed it to play with. Tyler
typically grabs my hair or my shirt to steady himself and to hang on while I am holding him.

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