Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Party (Maternity Leave) is Over

I went back to work yesterday and Tyler started his 3 days/week at daycare. Yesterday was a little rough for Tyler. Before we left him, Tyler started crying (heart-breaking!) even though Michael was holding him because another baby started crying when his mother left. Apparently Tyler is a sympathetic crier and also cried throughout the day when other babies cried. The daycare staff did say that Tyler finally perked up by the afternoon. When we picked Tyler up he looked at us like "How could you abandon me all day?" and then he was fussy after we got home. Today went much better. This morning he was perfectly content being left with Ms. Jennifer since he knows her now. When we picked Tyler up he was actually pretty happy and seemed to enjoy himself today. Apparently some of the toddlers enjoyed retrieving Tyler's pacifier every time he dropped it.

The best part about daycare so far is that Tyler is so worn out by the time we bring him home that when he naturally gets sleepy (around 7:30) he has gone to sleep without a fight both yesterday and tonight. He usually fusses for a while and wants us to hang out with him, hold/rock him, and repeatedly pop his pacifier in his mouth. I am definitely hoping this easy-to-bed trend continues.

The other nice thing is that Michael is taking care of feeding and dressing Tyler in the morning before we go to daycare. This is one of the perks of being married to a morning person! As for me, it is nice to be back at work but I do miss hanging out with my little guy. I do definitely appreciate the time I get to spend with Tyler after work.

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