Saturday, August 29, 2009

Rice Cereal

Since we got the go-ahead from the pediatrician on Monday to start solid foods we finally gave it a try today. We started with rice cereal- the traditional first baby food since it is mild and generally agreeable with their tummies. I sampled a taste before we gave any to Tyler and that stuff is absolutely foul. I don't think babies have taste buds!

Tyler let us put the rice cereal in his mouth but he wasn't
really sure what to do with it. He didn't attempt to swallow.
He basically just swished the cereal around in his mouth and
then let it dribble back out of his mouth. I can't say I blame him!

"Maybe if I cover my face they can't put any
more of this awful stuff in my mouth!"

"Or maybe I'll just eat my bib instead?"
We still managed to get some smiles (not pictured) out of
Tyler. Maybe rice cereal isn't so bad after all.

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