Monday, February 9, 2009

Week 30

It looks like I will be in the hospital for the duration of my pregnancy, but the good news is that as long as I stay on bed rest and the monitoring of the babies looks okay we can keep holding off on delivery as long as possible. This morning's ultrasound showed that the blood flow to Twin A's placenta is still the same, but both of their heart rates look good, they are taking practice breaths, and their movements are normal. We could even see Twin A sucking his thumb. Twin B flipped to breech position since his heart rate monitoring last night, but he still has plenty of time to flip back to head down. It turns out we can't really accurately check the growth of the twins via ultrasound for another week or two, but the doctors and nurses will continue to check the heart rates (3 times a day) and the blood flow via the placentas (twice/week).