Monday, February 16, 2009

31 Weeks

We made it another week! I had a biophysical profile (BPP) ultrasound today that showed that the twins' movement, heart rates, and amniotic fluid levels look great. It turns out that the next ultrasound to measure the blood flow to the placentas isn't scheduled until Thursday. Those crazy twins are all criss-crossed in my belly now. Twin A is diagonal across the bottom of my belly and Twin B, who is head down again, is diagonal in the opposite direction across the top of my belly. That Twin B is such a womb hog!

It turns out that in the detailed list of nursery prep and painting instructions I gave Michael and my mom I left out the step to paint the walls blue! They aren't going to let me live that one down!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Renee,
    Thanks for sending me your blog site. I am glad to hear things are going well with you and the boys. I am actually due in June with #2. We are not finding out the sex though. It will be a surprise! I will continue to check your blog to see how y'all are doing. I pray things continue to go well.

    Summer Hynes
