Saturday, February 28, 2009

In Memoriam: Carter Edward Hurtado (Feb. 24 – 26, 2009)

Words cannot express how deeply saddened we are by the passing of our son, who despite his strong will to live left us a few hours shy of 2 days old. He had a Stage 4 blood clot (the worst stage) in his brain, which eventually caused all his systems to shut down. He is survived by his twin brother Tyler, who other than being a preemie has been doing very well.

I apologize that many of you are finding out via blog (especially those who live far away), but we were too crushed to make many phone calls and have a very hard time talking about all the details. We initially just called one family member on each side and a friend to spread the word locally. The past few days have been the most emotional and heartbreaking days that either Michael or I have ever experienced.

I have journaled the events of this week, but we do not want to post them on this public blog due to their very emotional nature. Family and friends who wish to read this journal are welcome to e-mail me and I will be happy to send you a copy of the journal.

Tyler has been doing really well in the NICU. He just needs time to continue growing under the care of the doctors and nurses until he is closer to his original due date before he can come home. I will try to update you on his progress as I have time.

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