Friday, February 13, 2009

Week 30- Day 5

Both of the twins' heart rates are looking great and so they no longer need to be on the fetal heart rate monitor 24 hours a day. Woo hoo! It is nice to be unstrapped and I am sure the boys are breathing (well, practice breathing) a lot better too. The current plan is to monitor the twins' heart rates three times a day (morning, afternoon, and evening) for an hour each time and to do an ultrasound every few days to check the placental blood flow. The next ultrasound will be Monday.

In the meantime I have been semi-productive at the hospital. My mom and I have put boxes of family photos from 1986 thru 2000 into photo albums! I have also been doing some online shopping. : ) Don't worry- I am still getting plenty of rest.

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