Saturday, February 28, 2009
In Memoriam: Carter Edward Hurtado (Feb. 24 – 26, 2009)
I apologize that many of you are finding out via blog (especially those who live far away), but we were too crushed to make many phone calls and have a very hard time talking about all the details. We initially just called one family member on each side and a friend to spread the word locally. The past few days have been the most emotional and heartbreaking days that either Michael or I have ever experienced.
I have journaled the events of this week, but we do not want to post them on this public blog due to their very emotional nature. Family and friends who wish to read this journal are welcome to e-mail me and I will be happy to send you a copy of the journal.
Tyler has been doing really well in the NICU. He just needs time to continue growing under the care of the doctors and nurses until he is closer to his original due date before he can come home. I will try to update you on his progress as I have time.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Week 31- Day 7
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Week 31- Day 6
Michael and I think our childbirth class must be jinxed. We started our weekly 6-session childbirth preparation class in January and it runs through March 2. Including us there were 6 couples. We only made it to the first 2 classes. Earlier this week Michael ran into one of the guys from our class whose wife (32 weeks along) is also here at St. V. on bedrest because her placenta started to detach. Today Michael ran into another guy from our class whose wife (33 weeks along) gave birth on Thursday after her water broke early. What are the odds?
Week 31- Day 5 (Friday)
They started having me use "pressure booties" yesterday. They alternately apply pressure to each of my feet to improve my circulation and prevent blood clots. They never thought I would be on bed rest this long or they would have started me using them sooner.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Week 31- Day 4
The ultrasound tech said that Twin B currently looks like he is resting his head on Twin A's butt. The nurse joked that this should earn Twin A the right to the top bunk when they are older.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Week 31- Day 3
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Week 31- Day 2
I have actually been doing some work for the office during the day while my mom works on painting the nursery. It sounds like she is getting close to finishing. Moms rock!
Monday, February 16, 2009
31 Weeks
It turns out that in the detailed list of nursery prep and painting instructions I gave Michael and my mom I left out the step to paint the walls blue! They aren't going to let me live that one down!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Week 30- Day 7
My dad is working on an invoice for me to "reimburse" him for my mom's time away from him (and his laundry and meals). These are the "standard union rates for Dad/Daughter relationships" according to my dad:
1 voucher per day - travel days (half rate)
2 vouchers per day - weekday rates
3 vouchers (time and a half) on Saturdays
4 vouchers (double time) on Sundays and holidays (Lincoln's birthday, Dad's birthday, and Valentines days are recognized holidays)
He did offer a 12-voucher discount if I disclose the names we have picked out for the boys, but my lips are still sealed! We did finally narrow it down to 3 names though. ; )
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Week 30- Day 6
Friday, February 13, 2009
Week 30- Day 5
In the meantime I have been semi-productive at the hospital. My mom and I have put boxes of family photos from 1986 thru 2000 into photo albums! I have also been doing some online shopping. : ) Don't worry- I am still getting plenty of rest.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Week 30- Day 4
Both babies are definitely active in the womb and I swear they were having a party in my belly around 2 am this morning!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Week 30- Day 2
Monday, February 9, 2009
Week 30 Update
I am quite a site with the monitor bands velcroed around my belly and carting all the wires along with me to the bathroom every hour. At one point I said I felt like a beached whale and Michael couldn't help but chuckle and remind me of the beached whale on the Oregon coast (circa 1980s?) that ODOT exploded. It's on U-Tube if you haven't seen it.
I am staying positive and every day the babies stay in the womb is another day towards a healthier delivery.
Week 30
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Week 29- Day 7
My mom flew in from Houston today to help out and keep me company. My dad said he was disappointed that airport security wouldn't let her check in the burnt-orange paint he claims he purchased for the nursery. Not to worry- Michael will make sure that longhorn colors do not make their way into the nursery!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Week 29- Day 6
Friday, February 6, 2009
Week 29- Day 5 (Feb. 6)
We did learn this morning that I will definitely be in the hospital for monitoring through Monday, which is when the next ultrasound will take place. It takes a while for the steroids to kick in so they want to wait to measure the babies’ growth until then. Keep your fingers crossed! Grow little Twin A!
I must say that I have been enjoying bed rest at the hospital and am in very good spirits. I have not had a headache since Sunday. Most of my swelling has gone down. My fingers are still tingly, but my hands are not in pain. And best of all I have been getting good sleep (thank you Ambien!). I am reading, watching TV, playing on my laptop, chatting with visitors and friends and family on the phone, and most importantly getting rest! So all in all maybe it is a mixed blessing that I am in the hospital. I’ll do anything to make sure the boys are born healthy!
We appreciate all the warm wishes, words of encouragement, and offers for help we have been receiving. My mom is looking at flights and is likely going to fly in from Houston on Sunday and stay for a few weeks to help us out. ; ) Gotta love Moms!
Week 29- Day 4 (Feb. 5)
My blood pressure has been varied (as is typical for anyone throughout the day) but still high and I even had a normal blood pressure reading at 4:15 this morning.
Week 29- Day 3 (Feb. 4)
The doctors did rule out today that I do not have preeclampsia, which was a concern because the high blood pressure, headaches, and swelling are all symptoms. They are also normal pregnancy symptoms. After collecting my urine for 24 hours they confirmed there is no protein in my urine, which would have meant preeclampsia. That was a huge relief!
Week 29- Day 2 (Feb. 3)
We went to our regularly scheduled ultrasound this morning. It is always exciting to see the little guys moving around on the big screen. While Twin A was still situated with his head down, Twin B had flipped into breech position with his head up. (There is still time for him to flip again). They also observed that my blood pressure was still high. After measuring the twins, they discovered a 24% difference in the size of the twins this time with Twin A weighing approximately 2 lb- 6 oz. and Twin B weighing approximately 3 lb- 1 oz. A size difference greater than 15 – 20% is when doctors start to get concerned. This is more frightening for identical twins that share a placenta, but it is still concerning for our twins who are fraternal and each have their own placenta. They should both be receiving the same amount of nutrients through their individual placentas. The Doppler portion of the ultrasound also showed that the blood flow to Twin A’s placenta was lower than what the doctors would like it to be , which is likely related to my higher blood pressure.
After the ultrasound the doctors hooked me up to a fetal monitor to observe the baby’s heartbeats as well as contractions. The heart rates looked great and it turns out I have been having Braxton-Hicks contractions (harmless), but have never felt them.
At this point the doctor told us he wanted to admit me to the hospital for treatment and monitoring. Michael and I had not expected for a routine ultrasound appointment to turn into a hospital stay and were a bit alarmed and surprised to be heading in this new direction. The ultrasound appointment at Perinatology was already at the hospital so it wasn’t a far walk to check in to the labor and delivery department.
The plan of action:
* Steroid shots 24 hours apart (one Tuesday afternoon and one Wednesday afternoon) to help the twins’ lungs develop sooner in case we have to deliver early. This reduces the risk they will need respirators after birth.
* Blood pressure monitoring every 6 hours
* Fetal heart monitoring 3 times a day
* Ultrasounds at key points
Week 29 (Feb. 2)
January 2009
But oh the miserable side effects of pregnancy! I had been living with pregnancy-induced carpal tunnel since mid-November due to all the extra fluids in my body. But in January my hands started to swell and only compounded the problem. My fingertips were perpetually tingly/numb and my hands, particularly the right one, were frequently in pain or they fell asleep. The pain was only worse at night when all the fluids in my body redistributed. When I woke up in the morning I was not even able to close my hands into a fist due to the swelling and I struggled just to take a shower. The last week of January I started waking up due to the pain in my right hand.
Although my feet and ankles were also swelling quite a bit (hello, club foot!), they did not cause me any pain and the swelling typically went down after sitting with my feet up or after sleeping.
Speaking of sleeping, I started having trouble around Thanksgiving, but really struggled to get a good night’s sleep over the Christmas holidays. While I was generally able to drift off at the beginning of the night, I frequently woke up due to discomfort, being hot, or to go the bathroom yet again! (Not to mention the snoring machine, er I mean Michael, that sleeps next to me.) Once awake, it was very hard to fall back asleep and I tossed and turned for what seemed like hours. I always seemed to be getting the best sleep right when the alarm went off for work. And of course when the weekend rolled around and I wasn’t on any kind of timeline I had the hardest time of all sleeping. Go figure!
The last two weeks of January I started having persistent headaches. I was essentially having one headache per day, but they went away with Tylenol, which was a good sign according to my doctor. I also had a migraine one evening (a first for me). The second week the headaches were less frequent, but still there.
I will stop the whining and groaning there because I don’t want to scare off all of you still planning to have kids. As Michael keeps reminding me, pregnancy will all be worth it when our beautiful baby boys arrive in our lives. I just wanted to give everyone a snapshot of the events leading up to February.