Sunday, March 20, 2011

Snow Misadventures

We have been planning to take Tyler snow tubing for about a month now. The first weekend we nixed the trip because Tyler had a cold, the next weekend Tyler and I were both recovering from a stomach bug, and last weekend it was raining at the lower elevations where all the tubing is. We finally made it out to Mt. Hood today.... BUT Tyler absolutely refused to wear his gloves and so we didn't even play in the snow! ; ( Tyler didn't really complain when we piled on all his other snow gear but for some reason he refused to wear his gloves. Even after being in the cold for about 10 minutes and seeing tons of other kids and adults wearing gloves did not convince him. We forced his gloves onto his hands and tightened them at the wrist but he just yanked them off. Eventually we put Tyler in the front passenger seat of the car and after he decided to stop throwing a tantrum he hopped in the driver's seat and pretended to drive. We spent almost an hour total trying to convince Tyler to wear his gloves. From inside the car he even kept pointing and saying "outside" and "play". So we eventually gave up, had an early lunch (Tyler perked up with some mac & cheese), and headed home. Toddlers can be so frustrating!!!!

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