We are constantly amazed at how fast Tyler’s verbal skills are expanding:
- Sentences: These are becoming more frequent and getting longer. Just today or yesterday he had a five- or six-word sentence. Most of his sentences are very basic two- or three- word sentences.
- Verbs: Tyler is using more verbs and this is definitely exciting because he is starting to link people and things with actions.
- Animals: Tyler can identify the most common animals and knows what sounds they make. I’ll have to get a video of him saying “Oink! Oink!” because that is my favorite animal sound he makes. Tyler gets excited about some of the more exotic animals such as ostriches and peacocks probably because he seems to remember seeing them over the holidays.
- Counting: A few numbers are starting to show up in Tyler’s language. He has been trying to count to 3, but he says 3-2-3.
- Alphabet: We were singing the ABCs to Tyler earlier and he started singing along during certain parts. We were pretty impressed! I’m sure they have been working on this at daycare.
- Third Person: Tyler still doesn’t seem to understand “I”, “me”, and “you” very well. He talks about himself in the third person such as “Tyler shoot” (as in Tyler shoots the basketball) and when he points to himself in photos he says “Tyler!”
- Repeating: Frequently Tyler repeats back what he hears especially when you say something emphatically (like “Oh boy!”). It really makes you reconsider your word choice when you hear your words repeated back to you.
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