Sunday, March 13, 2011

Children's Museum

We finally decided to check out the Portland Children's Museum today since it is pretty rainy out. Tyler had a ball and definitely could have played in the Dig Pit and Vroom Vroom Room all day long if we let him.

The Dig Pit is full of fake dirt made out of recycled rubber. Way better than messy sand! Tyler mostly used shovels to fill up the dump truck. He tried to use a bulldozer to load dirt into the dump truck because he is used to seeing backhoes helping with the loading in his truck books.

In the play grocery store Tyler went straight for the carbs!

The bus dashboard includes lots of cool knobs and levers. The driver's seat in the bus and the ambulance were a hot spot for all the little boys coming through the Vroom Vroom Room.

Budding transportation engineer?

Checking out the Curious George exhibit. Tyler was very excited by the giant blow-up of Curious George on top of the museum.

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