Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mall Adventures

We went to the mall today to run some errands. Everything is always an adventure with a 2-year old. We intentionally left the stroller in the car because lately Tyler has been clingy and wants us to carry him around. He is much too old and too heavy for that! Several times Tyler defiantly sat or lay on the ground and cried when we wouldn’t carry him. We continually encouraged (and sometimes bribed) him with enticements such as riding escalators and waving to the animated bears outside Build-a-Bear. Ultimately the promise of cookies at the end of our trip proved the most effective!

Our shoe-loving guy stopped and stared in awe at all the kids’ shoes in Stride Rite without any prompting from us. We went in briefly to look at socks and he excitedly pointed out all kinds of shoes.

We eventually stopped at the play area. In the partially washed-out video below shot from Michael’s mobile phone, Tyler is the one standing on top of the ladybug. We knew it was only a matter of time before he started jumping off of stuff. I just hope this doesn’t extend to furniture in the house! He jumped off the ladybug repeatedly and was not thrilled when it was time to go home for a nap.

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