Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pump It Up

We ventured to Pump It Up (different than Pump It Up, Jr.) on Friday. The Junior version is better for toddlers but Jack was off for spring break and is much too old for the 3 and under playtime. Tyler and Viola still had fun hanging with the big kids.

This is the smaller slide. Viola (almost age 3) went down it many times. Tyler only went down once. He is not as fond of the wider slides. Tyler spent most of his time in one of the bouncy houses and had a blast jumping.

Jack, who is naturally quite a ham, loved the big slide. At one point Tyler decided to climb the ladder to the top of the big slide. It took him a while and caused a queue of big kids behind him (think of the cars lined up behind Clark W. Griswold in National Lampoon’s Vacation)! When Tyler got to the top he just sat in the middle and watched kid after kid go down the slide. Finally I had to climb up there and go down the slide with Tyler on my lap.

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