Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Welcome to My Disorganized Kitchen!

We only put latches on the kitchen cabinets and drawers with items that could be hazardous to Tyler. That means the cabinet with the tupperware is unlatched. Although Tyler frequently opens this cabinet and wants to play in it, I usually distract him with his drawer, the dishwasher, or other toys. He was pretty determined to get in there Monday night while I made dinner so I let him have at it. This kept him entertained for a good half hour! And he probably would have played longer if I had let him.

It all started so innocently with only a few lids!

Thankfully Tyler gave up on the top shelf and just concentrated on the bottom shelf where it's mostly larger items.

Tyler was fascinated by all the lids and the fact that many of the containers were stacked within each other.

This is so much fun Mommy!

I didn't realize how much stuff I had crammed on the bottom shelf!

The fun had to end at some point in the name of dinner. This is the dramatic response Tyler gave me when I put everything back in the cabinet. Don't worry- the tears were short-lived. Tyler has had a flair for the dramatic lately.

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