Thursday, April 1, 2010

Neatness is Over-Rated

When Tyler was in the NICU during the month after he was born, my dad wrote lots of fun little songs that he sang to Tyler. I never got a chance to post them on the blog since that first month was so hectic. After seeing the "Yucky Milestones" post from Tuesday my dad added another verse to the "Neatness is Over-rated" song he wrote during March 2009. The song is intended to drive me nuts because I have always been a neat-freak when it comes to order and organization. So here is the song, including the new verse at the end:

Neatness is Over-Rated
(written by Tyler with a lot of help from PawPaw)

Neatness is over-rated,
I'm gonna throw my stuff on the floor.
My room will be so messy,
Mom will beg me to close the door.

Any place I toss something,
It is where it is supposed to be.
I'm taking after my Uncle Brad,
And it comes so naturally.

Neatness is over-rated,
I just a messy little boy,
My Mom's so disappointed,
But PawPaw's filled with joy!

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