Sunday, April 11, 2010

Pink Eye

Earlier this week Tyler came down with pink eye (or technically "bacterial conjunctivitis"). Apparently it has been going around- other kids from daycare had it and Tyler was the 4th case his pediatrician had seen the day we went in. Although Tyler's eyes didn't look very pink, he did have large amounts of yellowish goopy discharge coming out of his eyes. Eye drops cleared it up within about 2 days, but he has to continue with the eye drops for a full 7 days. Michael and I have finally mastered the art of dropping the meds right next to the inside corner of each of Tyler's eyes so that the drop rolls into his eye whether open or when he chooses to open. We read this helpful hint after a very torturuous first set of drops that involved lots of screaming and crying as we tried to keep his eyes open to get the drops in.

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