Thursday, April 22, 2010

Let Me Try That

While Tyler eats lots of finger foods (Cheerios, fruits/veggies/meat cut into small pieces, etc.), we still feed him baby food mixed with rice cereal too. He was grabbing at the spoon during dinner tonight so we let him have a go at feeding himself. Not once did Tyler actually try to spoon any food into his mouth. He was perfectly content feeling the food with his fingers and banging the spoon on his tray and in the bowl. Dinner was followed directly by bath time!

Little Mr. Indpendent took about 10 steps on his own this evening. We think Tyler will be walking on his own (and then running, of course) in no time. Sometimes now Tyler even walks on his knees instead of crawling.

Other recent happenings:
  • When we read to him Tyler likes to help turn the pages in the book. It's hard for him to grab just one page so we usually pull the next page out a little bit so he can easily grab it and turn it.
  • Now that Tyler is in the wobbler room at daycare he only gets one nap in the middle of the day. All the kids go down at the same time. This is a big adjustment since Tyler was previously taking a morning nap and afternoon nap. Because of this he is usually pretty worn out in the evening and has been going to sleep earlier than his normal 7:30 bedtime.
  • Although a little cranky about it, Tyler has been getting by without formula and bottles. He is drinking more milk out of a sippy cup now and is eating plenty of food. This means we finally get a little more free room in the dishwasher and on the drying rack. (Nobody ever mentioned how much laundry and dirty dishes kids create! Tyler probably creates more laundry and dirty dishes than Michael and I combined.)

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