Monday, April 19, 2010

Farewell Formula

Little did he know it, or he would have relished every last drop, but this was Tyler's last bottle of formula. Tyler's pediatrician wanted us to keep him on formula until his adjusted age reached 1 year, which falls this week. This bottle (from right after Tyler got up this morning) finished off the formula we had on hand and so now Tyler is switching to whole milk. We're also going cold turkey on the bottles. Tyler will only get sippy cups from here on out. Tyler is used to sippy cups as we have been giving him water in them since he was 6 months old. Daycare has also been giving him some of his formula in sippy cups to help him transition. We survived the first day and although Tyler was a little frustrated that I didn't give him any formula today, I just kept giving him food plus a sippy of milk and sippy of water when he was hungry. He probably only drank about 3 oz. of milk today, but I think once he transitions he will drink more. Plus, he will probably drink more milk at daycare over the next few days because his teachers work magic and also have the mob mentality working in their favor. Hey- if all the other toddlers are drinking milk it must be good, right?

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