Sunday, May 2, 2010

Latest Developments & Stages

  • A few days ago Tyler figured out how to stand up by pushing off the ground instead of using furniture, the wall, or anything else he can find to pull up on.
  • On Friday Tyler figured out how to sit down on his truck and to move it around using his legs. Previously we would put him on the seat and pull or push him around the house.
  • Tyler is fascinated by the cup holders on his high chair and stroller. For a good portion of meals he continually puts his sippy cup in the cup holder and then takes it out. This is a little tricky for him because it's hard for him to completely reach with his opposite hand.
  • Yesterday Tyler figured out how to open the dishwasher. We're going to have to figure out how to lock it or just be very vigilant in keeping him away from it unsupervised.
  • Lately Tyler likes to put his hand in front of his mouth and push it against his lips while babbling to make fun noises.
  • Tyler has been showing a lot of interest in throwing his bouncy ball or soccer ball. For a while he has been able to throw a ball about a foot away from him or to roll one a little bit. He likes to put his bouncy ball or soccer ball on our bedroom windowsill and roll it back and forth.

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