Sunday, March 1, 2009

Visiting Us and Tyler

I actually got to check out of the hospital late Friday afternoon. It was so good to go home after 3-1/2 weeks as a patient. I do miss being so close to Tyler and the NICU. My parents flew in on Friday- my dad is staying 2 weeks and my mom is staying 4 weeks. Michael's sister Ludy was here this weekend from Friday through Sunday and his sister Janina is flying in next weekend from Thursday through Sunday. Michael's parents will be here when Tyler comes home. We are so grateful for all the support from family and friends.

Many of you have asked about visiting us and Tyler. Rules of the NICU:
* No visitors from 6:30 am - 8:30 am and 7 pm - 8 pm during shift changes
* Only 3 visitors at a time (one visitor must be either Michael or myself)
* No visitors under age 12
Give us a call if you want to visit and we'll see how we can work it in. At the moment we typically visit him at 8:30 am, 2:30 pm, and 8:30 pm as these are good times for Tyler.

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