Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tyler Firsts

Tyler had a few "fun" firsts today;
* This morning he spit up a little on Michael (only on his hand) after his feeding.
* This morning he finally sprayed me while I changed his diaper.
* This afternoon he spit up a little on me after his feeding. Of course I was holding him on my bare chest and I could feel the spit up run down my stomach until my pants caught it.

Other fun stuff:
* Tyler loves being swaddled.
* Tyler hates getting weighed every night. A few nights ago he grabbed on to the side of the scale with his little hand to try and prevent the nurse from putting him on the scale. I told him getting weighed shouldn't be upsetting until he is an adult!
* My dad has been writing songs for Tyler. I am going to have to banish "Neatness is Overrated".

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