Monday, March 9, 2009

Tyler Progress

Tyler continues to do well in the NICU:

*He has been trying to nurse since Friday, but still needs to learn to come up for air when eating. (His inherent desire to eat fast comes from the Hulett side of the family! Have you seen my dad eat?) He did take his first full bottle on Saturday and has taken a few partial bottles since then. The rest of his food still comes from a feeding tube.

* As of last night Tyler is back up to birth weight. Yay! (FYI for non-parents: all babies typically lose a little bit of weight after birth as they transition from constant placenta nutrients to having to feed outside the womb). The doctors' goal is for Tyler to gain approximately 1/2 to 1 oz. every day.

* Tyler has been maintaining his temperature well and so yesterday he was moved out of his isolet (an incubator) into a small open bed. Eventually he will get moved into a crib as he slowly transitions into what life will be like at home.


  1. I'm happy to hear Tyler is back up to birth weight and out of the isolet. I can't help, but think it's all your hard work that's helped. Tyler is quite lucky to have such a wonderful mom, who can multi-task at the wee hours of the morning :)

  2. My thoughts exactly. You're not supposed to be up that early until after he comes home!

  3. I still have to pump milk 8 times a day and am not supposed to go more than 5 hours at night without pumping; hence, the blog update while up pumping. Don't worry- I went right back to bed!

  4. here's a note that comes from experience: it's ALL worth it Renee - even the crappy times - totally worth it!
