Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tyler Graduated from Level 3 NICU to Level 2 NICU

Now that Tyler is breathing on his own, keeping feedings down (milk and formula), and no longer has an IV he has been moved to the Level 2 NICU (Level 3 is the highest level of care needed). After getting his breathing appartus removed a few days ago he had trouble maintaining his breathing while eating because he ate too fast. Now they use a pump to regulate how much milk/formula is available so that he doesn't eat too fast. Tyler has also been moved to an isolet incubator, which helps maintain his temperature and keeps noise out. He was maintaining his own temperature, but likely expending too much energy and thus slowing his weight gain. Once he gets the temperature regulation down he can move to a crib.

Today he actually got to start wearing clothes! He still has lots of monitoring wires attached, but he can wear preemie clothes, which are so cute!

Tyler will still probably be in the NICU for 4 or 5 more weeks, which would put him at full term in gestational age (36 or 37 weeks). The doctors think he is progressing very well.


  1. I'm so happy to hear Tyler is progressing well. I can't wait to meet him.

  2. Yay! His first graduation! Elaine

  3. Glad to hear Tyler is doing well! Elizabeth picked out a toy for him, and we've got some other goodies for you. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we'll arrange a time with you to come meet him.

    xoxoxo sarah & glen

  4. So glad to hear he's making some big progress! I'll have to come see him one of these days and hold his little feeties and hands!
