Sunday, May 4, 2014

Penguin Pajamas

Have I mentioned Daphne's obsession with her penguin pajamas? She would wear these around the clock if we let her. She has been all about the penguin PJs for a few months now. We do often convince her to wear other pajamas, especially when the penguins are in need of a wash, but sometimes nothing but the penguins will do. Daphne went through a phase where she wanted to wear her penguin jammies to school and she would cry when we put regular clothes on her. And last time she was really sick I let her wear the penguin jammies for 3 days straight and she cried when I changed her into different pajamas for a few hours so I could wash the penguins. A few days ago when getting ready for bed she wanted the penguin jammies and they were sitting in the dryer. Daphne helped me search for them and when I found them Daphne hugged them tightly to her and said, "I love you penguin jammies!" Michael and I don't even get I love you statements from Daphne. I guess we know where we stand now.

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