Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Michael and the kids took me out for breakfast and then we spent a nice morning at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, which just opened a new family garden section last week.

Tyler said I could have as many hugs as I
wanted today in honor of Mother's Day.

Both kids climbed the winding stairs to
the top of this tower. Daphne was happy
to be carried on the way down though.

We saw the waterfall on the news recently and this was the
part that Tyler was most looking forward to. He doesn't
remember walking behind the falls at Silver Falls State
Park when he was younger.

We weren't anticipating water features so we just stripped
Daphne down to her diaper and bare feet. She was
bummed when she had to get dressed again.

Daphne got mad we wouldn't let her wade in the deeper
section like Tyler.

Tyler enjoyed the maze you take to get
to Prince Ribbert.

Posing in one of the giant bird's nests.

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