Friday, May 9, 2014

Kindergarten Round-Up

Birthday cake pancakes with sprinkles
My baby starts kindergarten this fall! On Tuesday morning Tyler and I went out for breakfast and then we went to Kindergarten Round-Up to register for the fall. Tyler seems to be excited about kindergarten, which is good considering none of his friends from his preschool will be attending the same elementary school as him.

All the kids were given name tags with a different shape on them. The kindergarten teachers called out each shape and the kids, including Tyler, went running off with one of the teachers without a second look back at their parents. I think all the parents were amazed, sad, and proud all at the same time. The kids did an art project while all the parents filled out paperwork in the cafeteria. We have heard great things about our elementary school and this will definitely be an exciting new chapter in our lives.

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