Saturday, May 31, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

The Eaves family came to visit us Memorial Day weekend. We played tourist one of the days and visited murals around town and climbed the fairly short staircase up to Mt. Bonnell. The kids really enjoyed playing Xbox for as much time as we would let them play.

Brad, Andrew, Martha, and Lydia
Daphne was quite taken with Brad!

Andrew and Tyler; We sought out the first two
murals and this tank mural happened to be across
the street from the Welcome to Sixth mural.

Baylor Street art wall; The kids liked exploring this hillside
work of art much better than stopping at the other murals.

Daphne really wanted to climb to the top with everyone else
but the hillside was a little too steep so we hung out at the bottom.

Michael and Tyler at the top of the wall

Andrew declares victory with Brad

Atop Mt. Bonnell

Downtown Austin in the background

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