Sunday, May 11, 2014


Tyler wanted to take me to his Mother's Day party at school on Friday afternoon. Michael knocked off work early to take care of Daphne and Tyler and I got to the party about 5 minutes late. Tyler refused to go in his classroom but I dragged him in anyway. Then we followed everyone outside to hit a pinata. Tyler and I stood at the very back and Tyler kept telling me he wanted to go home, even though 2 of his best friends came over to say hi and one of them gave him a hug. Tyler didn't want to hit the pinata and didn't scramble for any of the candy. I finally got Tyler to tell me what was wrong. It turns out that he was very upset that we were late to the party. Have I mentioned that he is competitive and for him last is not an option? I tried to explain to Tyler the "better late than never" saying without any luck. I finally relented after about 20 minutes and we headed home. Tyler has always been shy (at first anyway) but that's the first time I have seen him freak out like that.

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