Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Zoo

With the weather in the low 40s and no rain or wind, it was a great day to go to the zoo. Many other people had the same idea because the zoo was as crowded as it gets on a summer weekend.
All bundled up! Daphne is getting
better about cold weather gear and
never tried to pull her gloves off today.

Our monkey checking out some monkeys.

Forget the animals! Tyler's favorite
things at the zoo are still the drums, jeep,
tractor, and train. Today we hit the drums.

Intently watching Tyler beat the drums.

We waited in line 45 minutes to see the new baby elephant
Lily, who was born in November at a weight of 300 pounds.
She was adorable and worth the wait, although Daphne fell
asleep and missed out on seeing her. Lily reminded me of
Daphne because she was constantly underfoot of the adults.

Tyler liked baby Lily but was even more impressed by 4-1/2
year old Sam because he is male, slightly older than Tyler,
and we could see that his tusks are slowly growing in.

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