Monday, February 4, 2013

Stomach Virus at the Hurtado Household

Ugh! We have been dealing with a household-wide stomach virus (aka gastroenteritis) since Thursday! Every time I think we are finally in the clear I am proven wrong. I will spare you the gory details and just provide an overview:
  • Daphne started this whole thing on Thursday. Overall she has the mildest case but the poor thing still isn't completely well. I took her to the doctor on Saturday just to make sure she is okay and the doctor said it could last for up to a week and we just need to give her TLC and keep her hydrated. And the doctor warned this would probably spread throughout the whole house and boy was he right.
  • Tyler got sick in the wee hours of Sunday morning. After being symptom-free for over 24 hours he got sick again this afternoon! Tyler kept saying, "I am ready to be done with this!"
  • I was sick on Sunday and so far thankfully only had it for a day.
  • Michael finally came down with it today.
I think we are finally on the home stretch but then again you never know.
Napping on the quarantined section of the couch

Starting to feel better (at least for a while). And of course
both kids can't get enough of Mommy when they don't
feel well. I can't remember who climbed on my lap first,
but the other one quickly wanted to stake some space too.

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