Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hanging Out

Tyler and Daphne get along pretty well most of the time. But often Tyler gets frustrated when Daphne gets into his stuff, particularly when he is trying to build with Legos or train tracks. Conversely Daphne gets frustrated when Tyler won't let her play with some of his toys. The other day the two of them fought over a hackeysack. Daphne wanted the hackeysack for whatever reason and Tyler wouldn't give it to her because the hackeysack has a dragon on it and he said it was cooler than all our other sports balls.

Tyler builds and Daphne takes it apart

Tyler is probably saying, "Agh! No Daphne!" as
she reaches for another piece of train track.

Awwww! Daphne saw Tyler napping on the couch. She stole
one of his blankets and plopped down on the floor next to him.

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