Monday, February 18, 2013

At the Park

We had a gorgeous day on Friday. It was sunny and in the low 60s, which we haven't experienced in months. So the kids and I gladly headed to the park for some playground fun.

Daphne loved that she is big enough to
play more now on the play structures.

Sliding siblings

Tyler has climbed many slides before, but this is
the first time I have seen him climb up one this
steep. I wasn't sure whether to be impressed or
worried! Tyler said he had strong shoes.
So much for using the stairs!

Our little swinging monkey

Daphne really wanted to climb this structure.

Tyler is almost too big to fit in the baby/toddler swings, but
it is fun to have the two of them swinging side-by-side.
Tyler also offered to push Daphne on the merry-go-round. So I sat on it with Daphne in my lap while Tyler pushed us very slowly. What a nice big brother!

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