Monday, February 4, 2013

Some Tyler Gems

Excuse me? What was that again?
While in Austin in December Tyler told Michael's sister: "Dolito [how Tyler has been pronouncing Abuelito] and I will go to the park and the girls can stay home."

Fashion Police- part 1
Tyler: "That lady looks like a giraffe."
I was about to chastise him for this remark until I realized that he wasn't talking about a woman's physical features but rather her crazy Pikachu hat, whose ears did look similar to giraffe horns.

Fashion Police- part 2
In reference to a cute (my opinion) shirt I have with vertical stripes Tyler said, "I don't like that shirt. The stripes are making me dizzy!"

Cool Cars
While reading a book about luxurious sports cars this evening Tyler remarked on several pages, "Can we get that car? Please, please, please?" When I told him they were way out of our price range he pouted and batted his eyelashes. Tyler liked the lamborghini, ferrari (mainly because the doors open upwards), and especially the Formula One race car.

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