Thursday, June 24, 2010

Some New Firsts

  • Flushing: On Monday Tyler got lucky and accidentally flushed the toilet while he was jiggling the handle. We keep the lids closed and thankfully he doesn't know yet that opening the lid is a possibility. We mostly keep the bathroom doors closed but he likes to hang out in there with me when I'm brushing my teeth, etc.
  • Dumpster Diving: Okay- so "dumpster diving" is a little dramatic. Tyler recently figured out how to open our kitchen trash can. It's a tall 13-gallon can with a foot pedal. Apparently Tyler doesn't even need the foot pedal. He is able to pry open the lid with his fingers. This afternoon he: a) put one of the deli containers from his toy drawer in the trash, and b) took trash out of the can that was reachable because the can was pretty full. Not sure what we're going to do about this yet. I'm most worried Tyler is going to throw away something important when we're not looking and we won't even realize it.
  • Texting: Tyler sent his first text message today! I was talking to my dad on my cell phone on speaker phone and Tyler wanted to push the buttons. He managed to send a message to my friend Lourdes without any text in the actual message. I think it was code to let Calvin know they should hang out at the playground. ; ) I predict this kid will be more tech savvy than me by his second birthday! Or maybe he already is?

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