Monday, June 14, 2010

Picky Eater

We thought we had lucked out and gotten one of those kids who will eat anything. Up until about a week ago Tyler would try just about anything- veggies, fruit, casseroles, ethnic food (Thai, Indian, Chinese, etc.). Now you never know what that kid will decide to eat! Sometimes he will rule out a food by looks alone and will not even try a bite. At this age it makes me wonder what makes one food appealing over another. Tyler is definitely more inclined to try something if it comes directly from one of our plates, but not always. Just the other day he would not even try one bite of the chicken I gave him from my salad, but he reached towards my salad and whined until I gave him a crouton. Tyler had never even had a crouton before but he loves bread. He managed to gnaw through that crouton and kept reaching for more.

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